I'm finally posting my February Reads which means that spring is just around the corner! Hooray! Is anyone else already dreaming of summer vacation? I've caught myself more than once dreaming about reading curled up in a comfy chair and reading in our backyard. Make it Happen by Lara Casey: This book escaped my picture but it was delightful. I loved the sweet insights into Casey's life. Her testimony is a beautiful example of the Lord's grace as she sings His praises throughout each chapter. I have been following her Instagram account for a while and began using her Power Sheets last summer. I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it. Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of Your Child's Education by Susan Wise Bauer: I absolutely loved Bauer's advice on taking control of your child's K-12 experience. She advocates learning to flex the system so that it fits your child vs. the ...