Summer is flying by way too fast! Can it really be the middle of July already? We have been having a wonderful summer as we try to enjoy each day. Here are a few of the frugal things we did last week:
Last week Elijah and I made homemade pretzels. I'm still working on perfecting my form but they tasted great. Our counter is too small to roll out the pretzels so I use our kitchen table. Eva sat in our highchair that attaches to the table and enjoyed watching Eli and I shape the pretzels.
The happy hubby and I went on a breakfast date while the grandparents watched the children. We had a wonderful time walking downtown and window shopping for bicycles. I would love to buy the happy hubby a cycling bike.
Brandon and I also went on a wonderful long walk (I would guess 5 or 6 miles) while pushing Eva (she slept almost the entire time). Eli stayed with my parents. It was just wonderful. The weather was gorgeous and we had a great time chatting and dreaming.
A friend and I went to the park and had a great time. Our kids loved it! We opted to skip the fireworks this year since we have a young baby. Maybe next year?
I started using Eco Nuts Organic Laundry Soap
I skipped buying groceries for our home this week as we needed the money for gas.
I received a payment from some of the amazon books that have sold in the past few weeks. This money is put into our vacation fund.
I enjoyed reading a couple of free magazines which came in the mail and a few that a friend loaned to me. Elijah also enjoyed looking at his free Lego Magazine. He gets so excited when it comes!
I worked in the garden this past week. Hopefully I will remember to take some pictures of my garden in it's various stages. One squash plant and the beans were blossoming so it won't be long now! On a sad note something did eat one patch of Romaine lettuce. I started a dozen Huckleberry Plants from seed which appear to be doing well. Does anyone have any experience growing them? Honestly I have never even eaten a huckleberry but I was intrigued at the prospect. :)
What frugal things did you do last week?
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