If you look closely at Eva's eyes it almost looks as if they are thinking about turning brown. Yesterday she rolled over from belly to back which was incredibly exciting. We have been watching her like a hawk for the past two weeks hoping that we wouldn't miss it. She was kind enough to roll over in front of all three of us. She is either being lazy or she forgot how to do it because we have yet to coax another roll out of her.
She is continuously watching big brother Eli's every move. It is such a joy to watch them play together. Eli continues to be such a sweet big brother to her. I wonder if he will remember much (if anything) before she was born.
Evangeline has really started playing even more this past month. We purchased a little play gym for her and she absolutely loves it! I also let her try out the Johnny Jump Up for a few minutes. The swing has now fallen to last place although it was her favorite for the first 3 months. She continues to be quite the social butterfly and usually only takes short naps throughout most of the day which can be frustrating. I think she is afraid that she will miss something.
Last weekend Eva went on her first road trip of 5 hours with just mom. (Eva did go to Arkansas for Christmas but this was her first girls only trip.) She had a great time and was very friendly to everyone she met. We had a wonderful time and even stopped at my old college for 30 minutes for a nursing break.
At this point breastfeeding is wonderful and we are both really enjoying it. The first couple of weeks can be quite challenging and I am so glad that we stuck it out. Evangeline and I attended a La Leche League (breastfeeding support group) meeting Thursday and she had a great time watching all of the other babies. Taking Eva on a road trip was so easy since she is breastfed. I am thankful I didn't have to worry about warming bottles or washing anything while on the road. I'm hoping to take her hiking when the weather gets warm.
We have been babywearing almost every single day. I am so thankful for my carriers. They allow me to keep my baby close at hand while going about my day. At this age we are still doing front carries and enjoy using the Moby Wrap , Baby K'tan , or Ellaroo Mei Tai. I am counting down the days before Evangeline can rock the back carry in my Ergo
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