Evangeline helping me study anatomy. I have now reached the half way mark in my semester so I thought I would give an update on how my two classes are progressing. I am taking a Nutrition class on line and Anatomy and Physiology I in person two nights a week. One night is lecture night while the second night is just for the lab. It's really the equivalent of taking three classes. I spend about three hours a week studying for the Nutrition class and about ten hours studying for the Anatomy class. On test weeks I try to squeeze in a few more hours but that doesn't always happen. I have been a student as a mama before so in many ways studying and balancing my various roles is old hat. In other ways it is completely new ball game. I now have two children and a lot less free time. :) I have a lot more competing for my free time these days. I also don't think that Eli was ever sick while I was a student. Having a si...