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Showing posts from May, 2014

Frugal Things I Did Last Week

Evangeline and I before heading to the Mother/Daughter Tea Party at church.   Our super busy month of May has begun!  In our family we are celebrating two graduations, my brother's wedding, mother's day, and attending a conference.  Let the fun begin!  Here are a few of the things we did to save money last week: Evangeline and I attended a Ladies Tea Party at our church.  I helped by making and sending all of the invitations.  I designed the invitations using the program Print Shop (gift from my mother-in-law).  In order to save money on postage the invitations were designed as postcards.  :)  All of the ladies from our church pitched in and made different food items so we did not need to charge a fee for the tea.  I made Vanilla Biscotti Cookies and Egg Salad Sandwiches.  They were both easy to make.  My sister, mother, and grandmother all attended the tea party.  They even had a hat contest where I wore a hat that ...

April Reads

Is Forgiveness Really Free by Michael Jensen:  The happy hubby picked this book up at a conference and I must say that it has been a real gem.  I absolutely love the practical size of this book.  It is easy to throw in my purse or diaper bag when I head out running errands.  I can also easily hold it in one hand while feeding the baby.  :)  The words inside the book are poignant and just wonderful.  It is amazing that so much is packed into such a tiny book.  I highly recommend this book especially if you are someone with limited time or interest in reading. My Child Won't Eat!: How to Enjoy Mealtimes Without Worry by Carlos Gonzalez: Eva just turned six months old which means that we are just now thinking about introducing solid foods.  This book really made me think differently about the eating habits of young children.  A great book to borrow but I doubt I would want to own it. The ABC Herbal: A Simplified Guide to Natural He...